Sunday, April 21, 2013

You're not an adult, but you could play one in the bar.

Let's talk about fighting.... More specifically bar fighting, and to narrow it even further, fighting in my bar.

I'm not a violent person and I have never seen the point of fighting.  Short of someone hurting my son there isn't anything I can think of that I would get in a fight over, and honestly if someone hurt my kid it would probably be murder rather than a fight.  I once had someone ask me if I'd get in a fight over my husband, the answer is no. Wes is a big boy he can take care of himself, if some chick is hitting on him, it's on him to tell her to get bent.

I see it like this, I'm an adult and have to face adult consequences; there is nothing anyone can say or do (excluding hurting my son) to me that could ever be worth the amount of trouble that comes along with getting into a fight.

I've heard some seriously lame ass excuses for fighting, examples:
  • They called me a/an *insert vulgar name here*
  • They slept with my significant other
  • He/She cheated on my sibling/parent/cousin/friend/dog
 My responses to each:
  • Who the hell cares what they said?  How old are we again?  Oh did it hurt your poor little feelings?  Should I get you a blankie and bottle?   This isn't grade school, get over it!
  • If your significant other cheated on you, then the problem is with them; they are the ones that betrayed and hurt you.  How is fighting the person they cheated with going to make it any better?  What's done is done. Deal with your relationship issues!
  • It's none of your damned business!  Assuming all parties involved are "adults", let the people involved handle their business.  Fighting to defends someone's honor just makes you a special kind of stupid, fighting in someone's honor because they asked you to makes you both look like mental midgets. 
When it comes to bar fights women truly are the root of all evil.  In my honest opinion 99% of bar fights are over some dumbass drama queen.  There are an endless amount of examples/scenarios that I could use to prove my point, so I'll just use our fight from last night.... Names will be omitted to protect the ignorant. Parties involved: "Drama queen", "Drama queen's brother", and "the other guy".
(I'm assuming that Drama queen and the other guy were some how romantically involved in the past but I'm not sure on what level exactly)  I'll condense this the best I can...

For my reader's sake let me give you a little history on the parties involved: 

The other guy:  Laid back guy, comes in has a good time, shoots pool has never been in trouble in my place.

Drama queen's brother:  Has a past used to be a serious pain in the ass but has really made an effort to get his shit together and has become someone we really enjoy having in.

Drama queen:  She's exactly what her given title says.  Has always been a rude pain in the ass who appears to enjoy stirring the pot.  In my personal opinion she's a whiny bitch. (The type of chick who would wear a bikini at the beach and then get pissed when a guy whistled at her; you know, an attention whore!!)

Last night was a decent night, not super busy, but busy enough to keep us busy.  Drama queen and Drama queen's brother had already been in for an hour or two.  In walks the other guy.  He orders a beer walks over, stands against the wall talking with his group of friends.  Please note that the other guy not once left my line of sight the entire time leading up to the fight.  Next thing I know, Drama queen's brother is attacking the other guy. Fortunately it was by the front door so as attempts to break it up are made the fight is moving outside.  Ok so it's moving out the front door, punches being thrown between Drama queen's brother and the other guy but now Drama queen is also punching the other guy in the back of the head.  Once it got out the front door everyone was separated, the cops were already there and quickly started snagging people up.

Now we get to hear the excuse for our little fiasco.  Drama queen had been a busy little bee, running to her brother to claim that the other guy hit her, making sure to say it loudly enough that numerous bystanders over heard...  If you recall my comment earlier, the other guy had not left my sight, I knew for a goddamn fact he hadn't just hit her.  A fact that I immediately relayed to the cops. The whole time the cops are questioning brother and the other guy, Drama queen is running her mouth (quiet loudly at that) saying "Hit a woman and see what happens". As the questioning progresses the truth is starting to come out.  One officer begins questioning Drama queen, who is now changing her tune a bit and says "He slapped me a year ago."   (apparently that is true, the other guy admitted that.) Fundamentally men shouldn't hit women but in my opinion, if a woman is beating the crap out of a guy and trying to fight like a guy, well..... Plus something tells me she probably really deserved it.

Now start the apologies, Drama queen's brother was the first, "I'm so sorry Amanda"  me, "No you aren't.  You're an idiot and I can't believe you pulled that shit, the last thing you need is more legal trouble.  Wtf were you thinking?"  him: "But I was.."  I cut him off at this point "I don't care why you did it, it was stupid and I don't want to talk about it anymore.  I'm going back to work now."
 Drama queen chimes in "I want to apologize too and tell you why..."  cut her off " I don't care, I don't want to hear it, I'm going back to work now."  As I was walking away to go back inside I could still hear her screaming that she was sorry.  I still don't care, she isn't sorry about the troubles she caused me she's sorry that she got in trouble.  
 All three got cited for disorderly conduct and Drama queen in 86'ed (which is kind of a silver lining I suppose) .Now here it is my day off and I'm obligated to go scan through surveillance footage, copy it and give it to the Sheriff's department.

So there we have it, I'm left with a huge mess to clean up,a loss of profit and my day off interrupted due to some attention whore drama queen who got slapped a god damn year ago.  Yet, people still don't understand why I get so pissed over fights in my bar?!

I am seriously considering investing in shock collars and helmets with drool catching chin straps for these people.

Moral of the story:  Fighting is stupid, fighting in a bar even more so.  21 is the legal drinking age because that is allegedly the age at which people are mature enough to behave themselves *coughbullshitcough*.  Seriously my 17 year old son is more mature than a lot of our customers.  According to the law you are adults time to start acting like it or keep your dumbasses at home!



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