Birth Control and emergency contraceptives:
This battle has been raging for years and the "Anti's" have arguments coming from a number of directions. I will do my best to stick to some basic argument points I've seen and my retorts.
- Birth control goes against God's plan/will
- Fine if that's what you believe don't use it; no one is standing in your bathroom every morning forcing a pill down your throat! However, you have absolutely no right to force your beliefs on someone else or to tell them that they can't or shouldn't use it (and since "God" is omnipotent if it were truly "God's will" would a little pill or condom really prevent someone from becoming pregnant?). This is especially true for the doctors and pharmacists that want the right to refuse due to moral or religious conflicts. Unless you are a faith healer, your religious beliefs have no place in medicine.
- The world already suffers from poverty,famine,disease, and every other side effect of over population. How could anyone in their right mind (The church, the Pope, etc) tell someone not to practice safe sex or to not use birth control? Not only are most families struggling to put a mere meal on the table but the planet can't sustain the those we have, why in the hell should we continue to carelessly increase our numbers?
- Ease of access for teenagers increases sexual activity and promotes irresponsibility:
- I don't want my $$ to go to someone's use of it:
- The over population response is valid here; tax dollars are still going to be spent in these areas, would you rather a small amount go to pay for some pills or increase tax amounts to cover the growing expense of unplanned pregnancies producing children that the parents can't afford to feed? It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out which is more logical.
- I don't think my tax dollars should be spent on medications for people who have medical issues due to obesity. Why should I pay for their medicine because they won't put down the burger and fries and get off of their lazy asses and exercise a little bit? ( Before I create a world of cry babies I realize there are medical conditions/diseases that cause obesity and/or prevent people from exercise, I'm not referring to people suffering from said conditions. I'm talking about people who are capable and just won't.) The same argument could be used in every situation so it either has to be all or nothing here people.
Have a strong feeling this will become a two part post. Part two is already coming together in my brain.