*Disclaimer the opinions expressed in this blog represent only the views of the author and many of the bartending associates I've become acquainted with over the years. By no means am I claiming that all bartenders share my opinions*
There is not a bartender on this planet that doesn't love to play, make up new drinks and expand our customers pallets. Our hearts go into our drinks especially our own creations and we take pride in what we do, mix that with the fact that it's like being an evil genius chemist without the years of college and it's a pretty sweet gig. We will gladly take the time to discuss with you the tastes of various spirits and the myriad of combinations that they can be used in; give you our opinions on what we like and make recommendations on what we think you may enjoy based on any input you give us. However, there is a time and a place for everything! If it's a busy Saturday night and you have to fight past walls of people just to get a glimpse at the bar, take a hint, this is not the appropriate time for us to have to play 50 questions with you just for you to end up settling and saying "Just give me a Bud light". It's not that we are trying to be rude, hurt your feelings or make you feel any less special than mommy told you that you were; it's just that we have 100 other customers with money in hand and know exactly what it is they want. Time is money people! If you are that much of a novice or uncertain in the realm of alcohol, go out earlier in the night before the bar is slammed or on a night that is quieter and pick the bartender's brain then. If you come in when we are bored we'll be more than happy to educate you and hey everyone wins.
Leading me to my next major point; on a busy night, be ready when we get to you! Nobody likes to be made to wait but we are only human; so, until we are replaced with robots waiting is an unfortunate side effect. Keeping in mind how much you hate to wait please be considerate of the people getting served after you. When you come up to the bar know what you want, how much of it you want and how you are going to pay for it. Personally, if I come up to you and you aren't able to spit out a coherent order in a reasonable time, I'll move on and you'll be stuck waiting again.
- Hot tip for faster service on a busy night! Rather than slamming your hand on the bar, whistling, yelling "Hey" or our names (all of which we HATE) try yelling out what it is you want, we will hear you and get it to you as quickly as humanly possible. We can multitask, I know it's crazy right (by the way when I say we, I mean myself and my bartenders I realize not all are capable)?!?
Don't be a douche bag!! It's amazing what a little patience and money will get you. We are all human, we have bad days, make mistakes and have our "blonde" moments. Don't get pissy if we screw up your drink one time. If you aren't a douche bag about it we will gladly fix our mistake and over compensate you for it.
Tipping is not a city in China! Yes we are being paid to be there but please keep in mind that servers and bartenders don't even make minimum wage, the majority of our income is tipped based. So don't be surprised if the person who always tips (even small amounts) gets served before the person that rarely tips. We've got bills to pay too! We don't sell our souls to raging assholes for the love of the smell of stale booze we do it for the money! Don't misunderstand me, everyone runs into hard times and we get that but for christ's sake if letting your server keep at least the fifty cents change breaks the bank for you, you shouldn't be at the bar in the first place.
and now I'll leave you with my favorite perfect example video that everyone should watch and learn from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgWOWp7gHlw
Please stay tuned for Part II <3
i learned the fine art of tipping from serving and bartending. my favorite customers would tip upfront, this was rare of course. however, an appreciated change of pace. when i know i'm going to be drinking somewhere for the evening, i start the round off with whatever i intend on tipping for the evening...lets say a $20 for two beers and keep the change, that's a $10 (or so) tip. now it's know you're a tipper, right off and you're a priority to keep happy.