Thursday, April 25, 2013

Real friends, real honesty, and you look really stupid

Anyone that knows me knows that I am not the type of person to sugarcoat things, I call things as I see them.  If you ask me for my opinion or for advice I will tell you exactly what I think irrespective of your feelings. Don't get me wrong, I do have tact, I don't blatantly set out to hurt peoples feelings but I don't go out of my way to soften any proverbial blows.  

The above is especially true when it comes to my friends.  To me a true friend will always tell you the truth.  I'm not talking about the little white lies we tell such as making up an excuse to get out of dinner plans when you're just feeling too lazy to go; I'm talking about the saving face, lip service lies.

If one of my friends is behaving like a jackass in public, I'll be the first to smack them in the face and tell them.  Relationship disputes, I won't side with my friend just because they are my friend, if they are the ones causing the dispute guess what, I tell them.  If my best friend was wearing something that looked terrible on her, I'd tell her.  In my opinion a friend is someone you know you can trust, someone you know will be honest with you even when honesty is painful.  As the old saying goes, the truth hurts.  Maybe that's why I don't have many friends.

Personally I'd much rather have someone tell me "Amanda you look like a cow stuffed into a potato sack in that dress" than them not say anything and me go into public looking like a cow in a potato sack.

Unfortunately, that is not how most of the world operates.  Our population is full of a bunch of ass kissing, coddling, whiny babies.  People who do nothing but tell you what they think you want to hear or what will make you feel better for the time being.  God forbid we are honest and hurt someone's feelings!  
It's something we all see on a daily basis, I, especially so in the bar.  I'll see these girls walk in with their friends and think "They must want her to look like shit and embarrass herself."  I also wonder "How the fuck did you look at yourself in the mirror and think "Damn I look good." are you blind or stupid?" Maybe they don't have mirrors I don't know!  

I'd like to offer a little advice to these poor,blind,stupid cows in potato sacks.....

  • If you weigh 200 pounds, don't try to dress like you weigh 120 pounds.  Fat rolls are ugly, no one wants to see that shit (with the exception of people who have fat fetishes but we won't go there now) I'm not saying you can't be big and dress to impress but for fuck's sake dress your size!
  • Make up is to enhance beauty and to help hide minor flaws, if your face looks like you got ganged banged by a package of magic markers, you're doing it wrong.  During the day your make up should be as light and natural as possible; for night time activities apply it slightly darker and more dramatically but not to the point where you look like you could be purchased on the corner for $20.  If your eyelashes look like a Venus flytrap comb those fucking things! If you are a circus clown or a hooker on Halloween then please ignore all of my above advice.
  • High heels... High heels can be very sexy but only if you can walk in them!!!!  If wearing heels makes your legs resemble flesh colored jello in pantyhose, don't wear them.  Not only do you look like you're playing dress up in mommy's closet but it's potentially hazardous to your health.  The higher the heel the harder the fall!   
  • Last but not least.  There is a difference between dressing/being sexy and  "Hi! I'm a 7-11".  This one is a little harder to address because it really can vary for everyone.  Something that looks sexy on one may make another look like the street's red light special discount deal.  Just remember showing skin is fine but leave a little something to our imagination!  Mystery is sexy!  Above all showing intelligence and self confidence is the ultimate turn on for men or women.  So show those traits a little more than your flesh. Unless you suffer from any of the three issues listed above, because if you do you have no intelligence or self confidence to begin with and everyone will know you're just a fake bitch.
 Moral of the story: If you call yourself a friend, be one.  Honesty is a bitter pill but coming from a friend it has a sweet coating that makes it easier to swallow.  Also, if your friend loves you enough to be honest with you, appreciate it don't get your feelings hurt and be a pouty asshole!

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