Here we have part IV, the last planned post in the United States of Stupid series. Originally there was but one topic for this post and it was going to be relatively short and sweet. However, I have already been irritated by someone's inability to read and honor a basic request so, this post is going to grow.
Before I start let me say this, I am not bashing people for being religious!! I have always had the mind set of to each their own. If God, church, and religion makes you happy and gives you what you need to get through life, fine that's great for you. However, I've never known a person of religion that didn't at least all but demand everyone respect their religious beliefs; yet they are so unwilling to offer the same respect for those who don't share their belief. If I respect your right to worship, respect my right not to.
Last night while browsing news headlines I happened upon yet another
article regarding the religious conservatives pushing for a new law that
would further restrict a woman's ability to have a safe and legal
abortion. I understand their outlook on it, according to them it is murder, wrong, and goes completely against God. Again I have no problem with that, that is how they feel and believe, I respect that. What I have a huge problem with is the people trying to force their beliefs and feelings upon every person in this country (abortion related or otherwise).
Myself, I'm not pro-abortion, I am pro-choice. Let me explain this standpoint for those too dense to understand. I don't think that abortion should be used as a form of birth control; there are a lot of options available for that. What I mean is that if you run around like the town tramp, spreading like butter on hot toast (especially without protection) I don't think you should use abortion as your fall back; get fixed, get on the pill, the shot, hell take a plan b with your breakfast. That being said, even with the most responsible adults accidents happen, condoms break, pills fail etc. It is for these people I absolutely support their right to choose to have the procedure if they feel it is the best option for them. I can't even fathom how someone could question this right for rape victims...
Your religious beliefs are your own, if you have a moral issue with
abortion, don't have one; it truly is that simple. Get off your soap
boxes and stop your crusades, if there is a God, then he will judge us
all when the time comes, it's not your place to do so.
Moving right along to the original short and sweet topic....
I've already written a whole post on gay marriage and how I feel about it but, there is one particular issue that really irks me and that's what I'll be addressing here.
Everyone that is anti-gay marriage has their own reason for feeling that way, some religion, some are homophobic, what ever. Fine if that's how you feel, I'm not here to try to change anyone's mind.
What I want to know is this, why do convicted murderers and rapists that are still incarcerated (some even on death row) have more rights in this country than someone who is gay? Why is it that someone who has raped and killed multiple people is allowed to marry while still in prison but someone who has done nothing but fallen in love with another human of the same gender can not?
I'll leave it at that.
Moral of all the stories I-IV: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and we are now right in the middle of it. This country has gone to hell and the future is grim. History has shown us that all great empires implode, wake up America or we will be the next example.
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