Monday, June 10, 2013

The United States of Stupid part I

Fore thought:  This topic will be a mini series of sorts, way too much ground to cover for just one post.

There is so much wrong with country I'm not even sure where to begin.  Not a day goes by that I'm not shaking my head and thinking to myself "We've completely fucked ourselves and we didn't even kiss ourselves first."

Our "great" nation is so ass backwards, there's no saving it, we've died at our own hands, we just don't know we're dead yet. 

Let's talk priorities and what's important.  Assuming that all of my readers are adults, most of which are parents, I ask the question, what is more important to you, the safety and welfare of your child or which team won the Superbowl this year?  Unless your a complete waste of flesh you are going to answer your child/children.  I say to you, fucking prove it!!

We'll use college as an example.  At any major public university, who do you think gets paid more, a physics professor or the head football coach?  If you answered the professor you're an idiot and are a shining example of the lack of education in this country. Here is just one of the many sources on the subject.  I know what most would say next, "The sports programs bring in so much revenue for the universities." I've heard it before but the argument just validates my point even further.  We as a nation spend more money on watching a bunch of meat heads toss a ball than we do on educating ourselves.  We are so fundamentally fucked up we try to justify the rot with it's own stench.
Seriously, we pay entertainers of any sorts (sports stars, musicians, actors) more than we do teachers, police, fire fighters, and in some cases health care providers (no I'm not talking about your plastic surgeon you superficial bitch) and we wonder why our country is full of dumbed down criminals?

Speaking of schools, when I was a kid in school there were open and obvious distinctions between students and their abilities.  Winners and losers, gifted students and ones that needed special ed; if you were competing in any sort of contest and succeeded you were awarded for success and if you lost well "try harder next time loser". Ok, maybe they weren't quite that blatant about it but the losing team/person certainly wasn't awarded.  It's a part of life, you lose/fail, you learn to face that and hopefully find a way not to do it again.  Yes there were often hurt feelings but again those hurt feelings handed you a valuable life lesson and help children prepare for life in the harsh "real world".

Now here we are in the world of no child left behind, you're all special and unique snowflakes, there are no losers.  *coughWTFISTHISBULLSHITcough*  We are setting our kids up for a terribly rude awakening if not total failure.  The NCLB act was a nice idea, forcing schools to adhere to certain national standard.  What it's really accomplished (in many cases), is teachers focusing lessons solely on what is covered on the standardized test, all but completely obliterating funding for gifted programs, and curving grades to make sure the school doesn't fall below standards.  Children that have no business advancing to the next grade are still being passed, until they've graduated high school and still can't read at an eighth grade level.  Parents scream and cry out injustice "the teachers are failing our children".  Wrong again, we are failing our children.  If your child is struggling rather than point fingers, take the time to help them, if you can't maybe you should go back to school yourself.  So many people today expect teachers to not only teach but essentially raise their children for them. If you want a nanny hire one, but don't expect a poorly paid teacher to do your job for you.

Moral of the story:  Though I know I'm not the only one who sees the desperate need for radical changes, I also know nothing will change.  Even if the entire country read this blog and agreed, nothing would change.   Until more individual people are ready to radically change themselves and their priorities, our country will remain headed down the road to no where.

Stay tuned for part II of  "The United States of Stupid"

1 comment:

  1. After typing a novel to comment only to have my Droid fuck up and delete it without a save, i'll briefly state my opinion and remember to copy my text before moving to the next topic.
    I would have to say this is by far my favorite blog of yours yet!
    The stupidity of people astound me on a regular basis. You should write a blog about dead beat dad's, i know u would have a great opinion on the scum that refuse to see the product of semen+vagina=children.
    On this topic that u graced us with, I couldn't help but laugh out loud and agree with the every day shenanigans that has our country falling to pieces. Have u seen the movie Idiocracy? It's a great movie and pretty much shows what our Country is heading for.While all the idiots of the world spread their legs/ whip out their dicks and procreate, the smarter people are only having the one child that they can actually afford without mooching off our tax dollars. The product....a world over-run by morons..sound familiar?
    As for "stars/celebrities/sporty meat heads" getting paid more than the very people who defend our freedom.....All i can say is.....THERE'S YOUR SIGN
