Here we are part II in the series of however many I end up writing under this same heading lol. Maybe something interesting will happen this week at work and I'll switch it up back to bar banter.
Today I want to broach a subject that I touched on lightly in my last post. What a bunch of candy-asses everyone has become. Most laws/rules that are put in place with the best of intentions, but they ultimately end up being taken too far.
Let's first address sexual harassment and sexism.... Obviously when it came time to make the law it was desperately needed. No one (male or female) should have to withstand that type of abuse just to keep a job. However, just like everything else it's been taken to extremes and has completely gone overboard.
My own personal example:
Years ago I lived in Phoenix and worked for American Express. Anyone that has worked in a customer service call center (especially a finance based one) knows how incredibly frustrating it can be. That job literally drove me to drink most days. Anyway, on one particularly frustrating day I got the call from hell; I was on the phone with the same client for over an hour attempting to help her understand the reversal of a temporarily issued credit. By the time the call ended I had a migraine setting in, and felt like jumping out the window. A coworker and friend of mine named James came by my cubicle and noticed that I was obviously not well. He went and got me a glass of water, came back and started rubbing my shoulders. (Before I continue let me mention that James was very openly gay but that didn't dissuade our fat cow bitch of a supervisor from her fantasy that one day they would be a couple.) He lingered for a few moments and then went back to his own desk. The next day when I arrived at work, I'm immediately summoned to human resources to be advised that both James and I were being written up for sexual harassment because "Someone" (yeah the fat cow bitch) was offended by him rubbing my shoulders.
Through the years we've seen news of kindergarten students being suspended for kissing, in higher levels of school boyfriends and girlfriends are not allowed to show even basic harmless affection such as holding hands on campus with out being reprimanded.
Hell, just a few months ago President Obama was forced to apologize for calling a woman attractive because it was sexist... Can we not even pay a harmless compliment anymore? Give me a god damn break!!!
Something else I've never been able to wrap my head around is the taboo that we've made nudity and sex. No I'm not talking about the videos you rent in the poorly lit back room of a video store aka porn.. I'm talking regular movies that have nudity or love scenes. Parents will allow their children to watch all the bloody graphic violence that they can handle but god forbid there be a bare breast in the movie!!
My example:
The movie 300.. I loved it I think it's a great movie, there's a lot of graphic violence and in my opinion a very tasteful sex scene. When it first came to theaters I asked about it online, to get a general idea if it was appropriate for my 10 year old son to see. The few people who knew me well and responded said yes I would be fine; others that didn't know me so well chimed in and said that if it weren't for the sex scene it would be fine. I took the advice of my better known friends and we all watched it and loved it.
If you haven't seen 300 please do so now and maybe you'll understand my point... How do people feel comfortable letting their children watch mass bloody murder but not a husband and wife make love? "Oh I don't want them exposed to sex or nudity because it might make them become curious or active" ← If that's your argument, you're fucking backwards!
First of all, in my opinion if you're actually doing your job as a parent, your kids aren't going to learn how to behave by something they see in a movie; I see it like this, if my son is going to be inspired by TV/Movies to do something, I'd rather him have sex than kill people.
"Well all of the violence/murder in this movie/show is fiction, sex is something real" ← Fuck you, pick up a paper, watch the news, pull your fucking head out of the sand, because although some details may be different all of that violence is real. So, here we have yet another example of how twisted our country has become. We're essentially teaching them, yeah it's ok to go on a shooting spree but god damn it you better be fully clothed when you do it!
Moral of the story: If basic human compassion and affection is wrong, I don't want to be human anymore. If we don't want to live in a world that is parallel with that of the movie Equilibrium, then I suggest we take a step back and reevaluate some of our laws and regulations.
hahaha well I can't tell if im the worst parent in the world or best parent in the world after this blog.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking from personal experience if you TALK with your children about experiences and explain to them the consequences of their actions you will have a much better outcome than when you SHIELD your child, pretend like your in candy land, and think that SEX, DRUGS, AND CRIME are not going to ever get passed your lollipop fences and rainbow shields. DUMBASSES.
I taught my daughter from the get-go what is an adult behavior and what is innapropriate for a child but something that she is most likely going to experience when she gets older. Example: Cursing. My daughter knows what curse words are and she knows that when she gets older it will be her choice whether or not she decides to use them. As of now she knows they are adult words.
Honestly the problem is parents don't want to communicate with their child about something that THEY (the fucking adult that obviously has their own insecurity issues) feels uncomfortable about.
The world wouldn't be such a fucked up place if people would just communicate with eachother.
Ok, I'm done blood pressure is raised because of people's stupidity!