Well damn, it has been a while. I mean a really long while. There is much catching up to do, but today is not that day. Today is the day that if I don't get out what is going on in my head I may lose my mind.
Honestly, I'm not even sure where to begin, my thoughts are going a million miles a minute and I can't seem to put them in check, but let's not beat around the bush....
The fuck is wrong with people?? Something I can't and have never been able to understand is prejudice, racism. How in the hell can you hate a whole group of people based off the color of their skin? How can you possibly feel superior due to a difference in pigmentation?
Personally, if I'm going to hate someone, or treat them as less than equal, it's going to be who they are as a person that determines that, not their genetic lineage. Plain and simply put, if you're a bad person/asshole, IDGAF what color you are, I'm going to treat you accordingly; on the opposite side of the coin, if you are a good/loving person, IDGAF what color you are, I'm going to treat you accordingly. That rule is applied equally to each individual person. Just because you're a douche nozzle, doesn't mean your mom, your sister, or your neighbor's, brother's, roommate's little cousin is.
Personally, if I'm going to hate someone, or treat them as less than equal, it's going to be who they are as a person that determines that, not their genetic lineage. Plain and simply put, if you're a bad person/asshole, IDGAF what color you are, I'm going to treat you accordingly; on the opposite side of the coin, if you are a good/loving person, IDGAF what color you are, I'm going to treat you accordingly. That rule is applied equally to each individual person. Just because you're a douche nozzle, doesn't mean your mom, your sister, or your neighbor's, brother's, roommate's little cousin is.
For the slower learners in the audience let me put it like this...
Let's say I'm walking through the woods, and I see the fattest, cutest beaver hanging out, you know, doing beaver things (probably planning world domination via 5G waves and a superior Beaver Naval force). Well, because I'm practically a damn Disney Princess and have to make friends with all the woodland creatures, I approach said beaver, all the happiness right? WRONG!!! Instead of birds joining me in a melodic tune about love and handsome princes, the damn beaver goes rabid and bites my leg. So now I'm up in the ER trying to explain to a cute doctor how I managed to get bitten by a rabid beaver. Pain, embarrassment, a nasty set of shots, and huge medical bills later, I've recovered. Guess what? I don't like that beaver very much, and if I were to ever see it again, I might turn it into a nice hat, or possibly a chic lampshade that I later sell on Etsy. However, I don't dislike all beavers. I'm not going to try to make home furnishing creations out of every beaver I see.. You know why? Because not every beaver is rabid, not every beaver is going to bite me, and not every beaver is the Admiral of the Beaver Naval Fleet. The rest of the beaver population need not atone for the sins of the one.
Let's say I'm walking through the woods, and I see the fattest, cutest beaver hanging out, you know, doing beaver things (probably planning world domination via 5G waves and a superior Beaver Naval force). Well, because I'm practically a damn Disney Princess and have to make friends with all the woodland creatures, I approach said beaver, all the happiness right? WRONG!!! Instead of birds joining me in a melodic tune about love and handsome princes, the damn beaver goes rabid and bites my leg. So now I'm up in the ER trying to explain to a cute doctor how I managed to get bitten by a rabid beaver. Pain, embarrassment, a nasty set of shots, and huge medical bills later, I've recovered. Guess what? I don't like that beaver very much, and if I were to ever see it again, I might turn it into a nice hat, or possibly a chic lampshade that I later sell on Etsy. However, I don't dislike all beavers. I'm not going to try to make home furnishing creations out of every beaver I see.. You know why? Because not every beaver is rabid, not every beaver is going to bite me, and not every beaver is the Admiral of the Beaver Naval Fleet. The rest of the beaver population need not atone for the sins of the one.
"But Amanda", you might say (and we will pretend you did for the purpose of this paragraph) "what if it wasn't just one beaver? What if there was a whole group of beavers who plotted against you and used the one for bait so they could all bite you ?" I would say to you two things... The first being, I really wish I knew what I did to piss off those beavers. Secondly, I still wouldn't hold the many accountable for the actions of the few.
The same holds true for people. We are all individuals, with rare exceptions, the one or the few does not represent the entire whole.
Yes, there are a plethora of evil people out there, evil people OF ALL ETHNICITIES with nothing but nefarious intentions, but just as many wonderful, amazing, selfless people OF ALL ETHNICITIES.
For as advanced, and "intelligent" as we are, we as a species, seem unable to grasp the basic concept that we are just that, ONE SPECIES, all humans, no matter the color of the packaging. We all have known joy, pain, and fear, and we should all offer each other at minimum, basic HUMAN decency, if not respect. If we can't come together and do at least that, are we really any better than the rest of the animal kingdom that we claim superiority over?