Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gay marriage

Today opening arguments were given to the supreme court in the landmark gay marriage battle.
(warning! this could turn into a very scattered angry rant!)

Anyone that knows me knows that I am all for equality live and let live etc.  I've always thought of it like this: If two consenting adults want to get married, how in the hell is that any of my business?

The two most common opposing arguments:

  • Gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage 
WTF?!  Are you fucking kidding me?  I can't recall a time in the history of man that there was "sanctity of marriage". Do I need to pull out charts of this country's divorce rates?  Sure there were times when people weren't allowed to divorce but that law didn't magically turn everyone into good little loving obedient spouses .  Shall we even begin to discuss how many people have died due to their "sanctimonious marriage"; How many wives murdered cheating husbands because they weren't allowed or would be outcasts if they were to leave them?  How many wives died at the hands of husbands anxious to replace them?  (Btw I'm not gender biased both situations can be applied to both genders just as equally) 
-Moral of the story, no matter who you are or whether you're married in a church or not, "Sanctity of Marriage" is a myth.

  • It's immoral and goes against God 
If you believe in God, that's great for you.  That is your choice and I'm fine with that as long as you aren't trying to preach to me.
  No matter what you believe God/religion/the church has no place in a federal/state legally binding agreement.  That is what this boils down to plain and simple.  We aren't all debating if gay people should be allowed to run down to the nearest Catholic church and get married by a priest in the eyes of God.  We are debating whether or not the states in this country should give homosexuals the right to sign a legally binding contract.  Why is this so difficult for some of you?  Compare it to any hetero couple that gets married in a court house in front of a JP or at a drive through in Vegas..  That's not some holy ritual that we are all praying at. 
 One of the founding principles of this country was freedom from religious persecution, everyone's freedom of religion or the lack there of.  By forbidding homosexuals from getting married, aren't we in fact religiously persecuting them?  Taking religious beliefs and shoving them down their throats and collectively screaming "My God doesn't like what you're doing so we won't allow you to do it!"? 
  If churches of various faiths refuse to preform marriage ceremonies based on sexual orientation so be it; that is their belief and they have the right to refuse based on THEIR religious beliefs.  However, in this country where both love and justice are blind, we as a people should be blind to someones gender when they are lucky enough to have found someone they are willing to make miserable for the rest of their lives.

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