Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'd like you to go to Hell, do you need directions or can you find your way on your own?

Oh it's been a long time... I have quite a few partially completed posts, I may finish them one day if I recapture the correct motivation but in the meantime they shall remain in limbo.  This particular blog is actually more of a rant, I'm not sure how much structure will be involved.  Hopefully it will be enough of a release that it will save me from a lengthy homicidal related prison sentence.

Those of you who are hands on managers, business owners will be able to sympathize with this first part. 

My club is open 2 nights a week.  Two nights a week I deal with all sorts of drunken bullshit drama because not only am I the owner/manager I also work my own bar, I do a little bit of everything but most of my time is spent bartending.  It would be less than honest of me to say that I'm all smiles and rainbows at work, there are indeed times where I am not exactly what I would call pleasant.  Hard to believe right?  

There are many things that can trigger my moods, the first that I'm going to address is one I've talked about before but apparently it needs to be talked about again. 

(Fade in) customer x approaches the bar "Amanda, can I talk to you?" 
Amanda: "Sure, what's up?"
X: "Well I was thinking you should do.. blah blah blah blah blah blah.. because even though everyone really loves your club and always a great time here you should change everything and do, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
Amanda:  "Well you see this won't work because...."
(fade scene)  The blah blahs were to fill the spaces where I stopped listening to a damn thing said.

I fucking hate people trying to tell me how to run my business!  I'm open to input and suggestions but next time you decide to approach me to tell me how exactly I should change everything, please keep a few things in mind; I have been working in night clubs and bars for nearly 20 years and have successfully been running this one just shy of 10.  There is a method to my madness, there are reasons I do certain things and not others.  Other than trying to adhere to Arizona's ridiculous liquor laws, I also have to take into consideration what will work in this town, especially with our diverse crowd.  In the mean time trying to keep costs down because everyone wants something for nothing.
You think you can do what I do, I'd like to see you fucking try.

Moving right along... All bars have regular customers who we make exceptions or do favors for.  Mine is no exceptions.  I'll be the first to admit that I have my favorites.  My favorites aren't always based on what most people would assume either, it's not all about money.  Yes, money talks but in the long run if someone is a total douche bag it doesn't really matter how much money he has unless he's got enough cash in his wallet to buy the club out right.   A lot of my favorites are just people who come in frequently, spend a moderate amount of money and have a good time.  Non dramatic, fun,happy people.  For those people I will go out of my way, I will grant favors and make exceptions.
However, if you're a mildly pleasant but gets increasingly obnoxious as the night progresses, comes in once every 4 months (if that) and happens to spend $200 one night, don't expect favors from me.
Especially when said favor would put my liquor license and livelihood at risk.

 both of these lead up to

"At least you only work two nights a week."  Oh really?  If that's the case then I'm doing something very wrong.  Please enlighten me on how exactly the world stops at 2 AM every Sunday morning.  How the liquor magically restocks itself, the bar cleans itself, paper work files itself, taxes get paid all on their own and so on.  Seriously, people who do you think takes care of the disasters you leave behind?  The Keebler elves don't live here.  Everything you dirty, break, or consume I'm responsible for replacing and or cleaning.  That's just the basics, who do you think maintains the parking lot, pulls the weeds, adds music to the computer, plans the special event parties, designs and makes the pretty flyers, buys the decorations etc etc etc.  I own a business, I'm a mother and a wife.. I work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. On top of my "only two nights a week".

Bonus material, Don't knock on my front door.. I try to be gracious to those who have forgotten their credit cards but I've had all I can take.. from people asking for their ban to be waved, seeking employment and today's icing of wanting to dispute their cc tab that he signed for last night. 

Yes this part is just for you Adam J Ornelas, good job asshole you've now ruined it for everyone.
I'm now actively looking for a new home and will be moving as soon as I possibly can.  No longer will anyone be available during the week to help the poor souls that have forgotten their cards on Saturday night.  So if you happen to be one of those unfortunate people you can thank good old Adam!  I will say this for him he's either a special kind of stupid or has some serious balls to go to someone's home and accuse them of ripping him off...

Moral of the story: If you went to a restaurant and the next day wanted to dispute a charge on your credit card would you go to the home of the manager of the restaurant or would you call your credit card company?  If you wanted a job at Safeway, where would you go to put in an application?
Use your brains people, assuming you have one.  I know I'm probably assuming too much from most of the population.